This is my last semester in the world of undergrad...Damn, it seems like it wasn't that long ago when I was rolling up to the U of M as a freshmen and shit...I mean "stuff"... Man you see the type of bad habits you pick in college

Anyway...The question is what the H-E-L-L was I smoking when I picked this schedule...I know I was thiking...I need to find some way to get the _______ (fill in the blank) out of school this semester...Like X said it, "by any means necessary"...Well here is my off the chain schedule....
HIST-4853 AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN / MWF / 10:20-11:15AM 3hrs
ENGL-4711 AUTHOR/TEXT/READER/WRLD / MW / 02:20-03:45PM 3hrs
COMM-1851 INTRODUCTION TO FILM / M / 06:00-09:00PM 3hrs
SOCI-4420 RACIAL INEQUALITY / TR / 11:20-12:45PM 3hrs
SPAN-1020 ELEMENTARY SPANISH II / TR / 07:10-08:35PM 3hrs
Total of Credit Hours: 18hrs
Bold print represent classes that I am retaking cause I f#%*ed up in them the 1st time...
I'll keep you posted
Introductory Sociology at 8AM three days a week?? Wow. Good luck maintaining consciousness through that one, my friend.
~g I left my journals for that class sitting in the lab and when I got back they were gone...My journals were worth 40% of my grade...And all this sh!t happened on the last day of class...I turned a few in but it wasn't enough to make a difference...I had an A coming into the last day of class...Ain't that a bitch...But thank GOD for retake...I'll keep you posted
All of this to make the time go away since I'm gone..right?
Ooooh, good Lawd.
You are DEFINITELY in my prayers, homie. Good luck with all that.
*Leaves thanking God it isn't me*
jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity
Steph...I got to keep busy from crying...I'll keep you posted
8 a.m. classes suck
Dang man, you best to get to bed early on Sunday nights because Mondays are going to be kicking your butt. What were you thinking? :::Singing Chaka Khan:::"I feel for you...."
Enjoy it while it lasts...I had 13 credits and worked 40+ hours a week my last semester...and I would do it again....and again...and again...because at least you can BUCK class if aint nothing poppin, you get HOLIDAYS (i.e. Thanksgiving and HOMECOMING BABY!) and FINANICAL AID.....so enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it....cause the "Working World" is around the corner.... waiting....
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