103.4 degrees temperature...Apartment temperature 63...Sweating...Sniffing...Stomach virus (thanks Rachero)...Aching...Grad school sh!t has me in the slumps...Can't sleep...NOBODY IS PICKING UP THE PHONE (automatic voicemail, busy signal, the I'm sleep what you want, and the famous Message 12722 40033, "This number is not in service" (niggas pay the bill)...I really think everybody is ignoring me anyway)...Gotta go to work tomorrow because I want the weekend off...I hate blogging like this but I just wanted to put you on notice...
Hope the next one is more fun...More me...
All yeah thank you to everybody that shot me a happy bday holla...I'll keep you posted
See now there G...you shoulda called me...I was up. Sorry you're not feeling yourself, but you know what...it don't last always. Stay in the house in your drawas with plenty of ice water
Hope you get to feeling better. Careful posting pics of pills, someone might try and cop a few off the screen.
Dang man...everybody is sick. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for dropping in. Keep me posted, hear?
Sitting in my drawers watching Sportcenter always makes me feel better.
103, OMG, where are you? Arizona? Happy belated
Lmao. GC youre a mess...hey, but thanks for at least checkin' in.
And yes, do I believe the grad school stuff can be the pits...I am NOT looking forward to it not one bit.
So, you're going to go to work and pass the cooties, hunh? LOL Happy Belated Birthday. I finally get to play catch-up on my fav bloggers. Life's been busy, with my alter-ego taking over and everything. LOL
Get betta playa. There's some nasty stuff goin' around and it looks like you just got it. Got mine a couple of months ago. Antibiotics, apple juice and rest does the trick. Throw the computer in the corner. It's just a friggin' detriment anyway! Holla
i'm just laughin at suezette. it IS hella hot though...every damn where.
hope you feel better!!
happy belated burfday!!
Way late - but happy belated. And swallow dem pills. You poor guy.
awww man, i hate being sick! ugh!@that...especially the flu...the last time i had the flu, it was a stomach flu, was back in december...it was gross...yep, really nasty...i hope you feel better...and try to get some rest!
Ok I'm about 3.5 days late with this comment... But it's the thought that counts right?!?!? Well... I'm sayin' you should of called me cause I'm always up late like a crack critter (too addicted to his dayum computer) LMAO!
Hey G!!! have you come to my new spot yet? Cause you used to visit me on my old spot, and I don't believe you've been keeping a girl posted lately. LOL!
Hope you're feeling better Mr. Discombobulated! LOL!
Sounds like you're all messed up in the game. I hope you're feeling better by now! *sigh*
get well soon bro..
hey dude where you at??? i hope you feeling better and got over ya flu...come back soon! :-)
UHM...I'm worried now....
Where in the heezie are you! ???
*tapping foot* where you at? i hope everything is ok...come back soon!
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