Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded at Howard University in Washington, DC January 9th, 1914 by three young African American male students. The founders, Most Honorable Founder A. Langston Taylor, Most Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse, and Most Honorable Founder Charles I. Brown wanted to organize a Greek-letter fraternity that would truly exemplify the high ideals of Brotherhood, Scholarship, and service. The founders deeply wished to create an organization that viewed itself as "a part of" the general community. They believed that each potential member should be judged on his own merits rather than his family background or affluence, without regard of race, nationality, color, skin tone or texture of hair. They wished and wanted their fraternity to exist as a part of an even greater brotherhood-sisterhood which would be devoted to the "inclusive we" rather than the "exclusive we."
From its inception, the founders also conceived Phi Beta Sigma as a mechanism to deliver services to the general community. Rather than gaining skills to be utilized exclusively for themselves and their immediate families, the founders of Phi Beta Sigma held the deep conviction that they should return their newly acquired skills to the communities from which they had come. This deep conviction was mirrored in the fraternity motto, "Culture For Service and Service For Humanity." Today, 92 years later, Phi Beta Sigma has blossomed into an international organization of leaders. No longer a single entity, the fraternity has now established the Phi Beta Sigma Educational Foundation, Inc. and the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union (to build financial equity within our target communities). With the force, vigor, power and energy of its more than 150,000 dedicated men united in more than 900 chapters across the United States, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean, Phi Beta Sigma continues to faithfully perpetuate composite growth and progress as the "people's fraternity" dedicated to providing services to all humanity.
Happy Birthday Bruhs!
happy new year g! keep me posted!
Dag, the Kappa's was just celebrating there day! I guess they run round the same time! Happy belated birthday Sigmas!
u really are back! yaaaay
btw, i've moved from kieshaonline. :-)
As much as I'm glad to see you back...the selfish part of me just wants more posts to distract me from my work.
I'm a little late, but Happy Founders Day. ~Tenda
Dang you just brought back some college memories, of that Blu Juice! *whoah*
even though it's in the wrong comment forum, i was laughin my ass off @ how u was watching that guy in the gym. nigga pulled a go-go gadet camera cellphone on his ass and shit.
Happy Belated. I never knew you were a Sigma. =)
My birthday was yesterday... Hmmph. =)
boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...just kidding...Greek Luv...and all that other stuff...Blue Luv...you know we got all kinds of random...LUV. lol....
oh yeah...im adding you to my blogroll, so that i dont have to keep looking for your comments to find your blog. lol
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