Monday, January 23, 2006

Jesse...As in Jackson

81 pts
2 ast
6 reb
3 stls

Kobe trying to play back into the hearts of women of color everywhere...You need to do more than that!

While we talking about foolishness...Why its always some drama lined up with American Idol contestants coming out of Memphis?

After wowing "American Idol" judges during Tuesday night's premiere episode, Terrell Brittenum was told he'd be "going to Hollywood"--once he gets out of a Tennessee jail, of course. The 28-year-old wannabe star has been sitting in the Shelby County jail since January 10, when he was arrested on a Georgia warrant charging him and his twin brother Derrell with forgery, theft by deception, and financial identity fraud. Derrell Brittenum, who performed on "Idol" with his brother, also advanced to the show's next round (the duo was widely hailed as the standouts of the Fox program's first two 2006 episodes, the performances from which were taped in Chicago four months ago). Derrell Brittenum was arrested in Memphis in late October when, during a routine traffic stop, cops discovered that his car was reported stolen and that he was wanted in Georgia. Terrell, named in the same Georgia arrest warrant, was arrested three days later. The Brittenums allegedly used another person's financial information when purchasing the vehicle, a 2005 Dodge Magnum, in Rockdale County, Georgia. Both men bonded out of jail following their Tennessee arrests last year, but when they refused to be extradited to Georgia to face the felony raps, they were named in new arrest warrants. Terrell was nabbed on that warrant last week, while Derrell is still at large. TSG

And about those pictures from Chicago...Well G C messed up and delete all of them, except 3 (dodging tomatos)...So here are the 3...

Game festivities...BACARDI - 151! Drank of Champions!

Big sister and me...

And Big Sister and twin brother (He has a fake smile on his face cause we LOST!)

The WTF moment of the Chi-city weekend!

Well after the game we, my brother and I, went back to the hotel...Well we run into Jesse...Jackson that is...Well Jesse...And yes, we are on first name basis now...You will see why when I get through with the moment...Back to the story...Well Jesse asked us "what was poppin'" tonite...?WTF? Number 1, who told you that you can use the word poppin'? Number 2, isn't that how you got the last illegitimate child?

Well hopefully I gave you all something to talk about for a minute...I'll keep you posted


Anonymous said...

Ain't that a blip? I wonder if a contract will be waiting when they're released. LOL

And as for Jesse, I stopped addressing him as anything other than Jesse long ago. *smh*

Ariane Patrice said...

i'm real mad that jesse asked what's poppin

courtney said...

booooooo on KObe! *sigh* *throws shoe*

Waddie G. said...

I was at the Bears game too...bummer!

courtney said...

PS. Where are your RSS Feeds?

..Sue...Zette... said...

LMAO @ Jesse Jackson....LMAOOOOO....

You'se a damn fool shawty

Toya said...

kobe's a damn ball hog!

smh@them dudes....

awww@your pictures, but boooo!@you messing them up! *throws a tomato*

LOL wtf?@Jesse Jackson...i'm mad he said "what's poppin"...i dont like for older people to use slang like young, thatw as very random...see i'm from Chicago and i don't run into stuff like this...only you GC, only you...