Look at this kid...

Now what if this kid was in the middle of say a clothing store singing these lyrics...
Got the body of a goddess
Got eyes butter pecan brown I see you girl
Droppin Low
She Comin Down from the ceiling
To tha floo
Yea She Know what she doin
Yea yea yea
She doin that right thang
Yea yea yea yea ea
I Need to get her over to my crib and do that night thang
Cause I'm N Luv wit a stripper
She poppin she rollin she rollin
She climbin that pole and
I'm N Luv with a stripper
She trippin she playin she playin
I'm not goin nowhere girl I'm stayin
I'm N Luv with a stripper
YES IT HAPPENED! AND BOTH OF HIS PARENTS WERE BESIDE HIM AND THEY SAID NOTHING! Now don't get me wrong the ish was funny...But on the other end it was sad...I didn't know to laugh or to slap his folks...What do you think?
I'll keep you posted
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I think it's terrible. I don't know what's wrong with the parents these days. Always trying to be so freakin cool with their kids instead of discipline. But then again, if they thought nothing was wrong with it, then that's a whole other problem...
man this doesnt surprise me. i work with kids and they know the lryics to every song i.e. work that by david banner, grind on me by pretty ricky, lay your body down (i think this is pretty ricky too), wait by ying yang twins..
and they know the REAL versions... just dont make no sense
his parents need to be slapped, because you can't really fault him, he's little...they shouldnt let him listen to that music! ugh! i hate it when lil kids sing songs like that! he might need his butt whooped too so he don't sing it again, lol....smh that's a damn shame...
I blame his parents. Obviously they're monitoring what he listens to. And yes, kids can pick up things from their friends, but in my day (like I'm old or some shit), my parents still would get on my ass if I'd been singing something like that around them.
I'm not surprised...kids know cuss words before they know the alphabet
Pop culture won.
Parents lost.
Its a wrap.
Lets move to Mars.
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